The Price (and Prize) of Pregnancy in Singapore

The Price (and Prize) of Pregnancy in Singapore

In highly progressive countries like Singapore where the population has been effectively regulated, making babies out of passion comes second only to a couple’s recognition and acceptance of its economics. Of course, having a baby is an extremely joyful milestone to celebrate, especially after the couple has understood and accepted the costs involved in the nurturing of this wonderful miracle of co-creation.

The costs may not be ignored, especially if one considers that the obligation of parents to rear their child to fullness cover the period from his inception (at lovemaking) to his liberation (at possibly age 20). Projected costs for this entire period can be staggering, which can tickle the imagination of moneylenders who are only too ready to offer their money for our taking.

But life is good in Singapore, and if we add a baby to the relationship, it can only double the joy. We assume that we can manage to stand by our parental obligations but only after knowing the price or costs of the contemplated pregnancy and deciding that it is worth getting into.

Here is a rundown of possible items of expense related to a pregnancy in Singapore arranged sequentially as they are incurred:

1. Pre-Natal Medical Check-Ups

The trigger for these visits to the doctor is the plus sign in the pregnancy test. As soon as this sign is confirmed, a monthly visit to the OB-Gyne has to be scheduled so that the health conditions of the baby and the mother can be monitored. These visits usually become more frequent, as in weekly, during the last three months of the pregnancy.

Costs of these visits may be pro-rated per visit or may be arranged as a health package. Most packages include blood tests and scans as they are needed, aside from the overall checkup. Depending on how the pregnancy is developing, your doctor may order other tests such as the Down Syndrome test.

If you want, you may also store your baby’s umbilical cord blood in a blood bank, so that in the future, this blood may be useful for disorders related to the child’s immune system. You may ask your doctor about this.

Costs may also vary greatly according to the category of the hospital where you are to deliver your baby. In public hospitals, the cost is as low as S$400, but if you would get your own doctor, the package can shoot up to between S$650 to S$1800.
Budget Allocation: S$2000

2. Maternity Outfits

If this pregnancy is your first and you plan to have more after, it is advisable to acquire you first-owned maternity dresses. Otherwise, you may settle for used maternity clothes by borrowing from friends and relatives.Inner wears and under wears are better acquired brand new. You also may need to wear low-heeled or flat footwear for your walking comfort.
Budget Allocation: S$1200

3. Pre-Natal Seminars and Briefings

If you are a first-time parent, these educational sessions about delivery procedures, nursing care techniques and nutrition tips and recommendations for mother and baby can be very useful.Some hospitals conduct these for free, but other facilities charge some amount to cover snacks.
Budget Allocation: S$100

4. Bay’s Paraphernalia

The lists of things to prepare for the baby’s use when he comes into the world seem endless – something new is always added to the last recorded. Might be because the baby is the most important person (VIP) expected, in a manner of speaking.

Here’s a partial list:• Beddings
• Stroller
• Clothes
• Sterilizer
• Bottles
• Brush
• Changing table
• Toys
• Mat
• High chair
• Soap
• Diaper
• Bibs
• play pen
• tub
• More, etc.

There seems to be no end in sight to this list, even if we have in mind only items for the first year.
Budget Allocation: S$2000

5. Delivery and Confinement

Costs for these items vary by a wide range. Will it be private or public hospital? Will it be caesarian, normal or assisted? Au naturel or epidural? Ward or private room?

How about professional fees? The fees can move up or down depending on your doctor.
Budget Allocation: S$4000

6. Post-Natal or After-Delivery Care

In Singapore, there is an individual who provides professional services as a caregiver to a new mother upon delivering her baby. They call this person “confinement nanny.” She is usually a mother who has received special training in providing home services to the mother and the baby upon their discharge from the hospital. She does the work of ensuring that the mother is cared for very well as well as the baby. These care givers’ going rate is S$2000-S$3000 a month.

It is also the tradition in Singapore that the nanny is given a welcome gift called angbao (a red pocket with money inside) with S$30 tucked inside, and upon her leaving a farewell gift with S$150 tucked inside. Alternatively, a new mother may get a maid to assist her while she is in the process of recovering from the delivery of her child. Maids are rated at a minimum of S$550 a month.

Another service popular in Asia and in Singapore is the post-natal massage, said to be effective in promoting blood circulation, relieving muscle tension, and achieving overall body recovery after nine months of carrying a load on her tummy. Massage rate is quoted at S$500 for five days, but it is doubted if this period is enough to stage a satisfactory recovery. Suggested minimum period for massage is one month at a cost of S$2000.
Budget Allocation: S$3000

7. Pregnancy Coverage

Pregnancy insurance or maternity insurance covers the cost of delivery as well as pregnancy complications such as Caesarian Section, stillbirth and other congenital impairment of the baby. The insurance also provides hospital care benefits as well as neo-natal care. Some plans cover hospital confinement; some don’t. In exchange for higher premiums, some companies cover pre-natal consultations and tests. Rates range from S$30 – S$170 per month and follow age, length of coverage, face amount, selected optional benefits, and the insurance company.

Is it worth to have a baby in Singapore?

The estimated costs of pregnancy presented in this article may seem to lean to the higher end, but if you are a Singapore citizen, these costs can be substantially setback by the subsidy you may receive from the government.

Moreover, the inner and outer joy of having a baby, plus the pride of co-creation and the excitement brought by the newly-born human being that you will see developing into similar fullness as you have achieved – no costs nor price nor expense can equate to the grandeur of life! Besides, what is my newly acquired credit card doing if it cannot help me bring my baby into the world? No. we won’t let the money lenders take us by the hand! Visit MoneyIQ Singapore today